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Golden Globe Awards 2018 Best Makeup Looks


Sophisticated, womanly, a little va va voom - that was the overall makeup vibe at the Golden Globes. Lending a pop of color and much-needed softness to the sea of black frocks, this was the year for vivid lipstick, rosy blush and lashes for days. Remember the recent "no makeup makeup" redux? Consider it back-burnered for now. 



Yes, red lipstick instantly telegraphs grown-up glamour. But unless it’s balanced with some kind of hipper bit of hair or makeup, it can easily trip into “old lady” territory. That’s why it was so refreshing to see so many youngsters deploying their own fresh take on this classic beauty staple. Coupled with spiky bangs (Watson), a boyish crop (Kravitz) or even beach waves (Ferrera), red lippy never looked so frisky and modern. 



In civilian hands, beige lipstick and gloss can often be a complexion-draining bummer. On Sunday night, it looked like the sexiest thing EV. ER. Just goes to show you that the right shade – think pinky, tawny, your-lips-but-better – can be wildly, hugely flattering. 



Of all the different categories of makeup, blush rides a real rollercoaster: it’s in, it’s out, it’s powder, it’s cream, it’s a Seventies-era Tom Ford slash, it’s non-existent. At the Globes, blush stepped back into the spotlight in all manner of shades, textures and degrees of visibility. For those who decided to get a little cheeky, it worked in a big way. 



With the exception of a zero-frills Frances McDormand (and for the record, I worship her), just about every honoree and attendee brings it, major-league, to the Golden Globes. You can see all the time and effort that goes into looking amazing. Still, IMO, this power pack went the extra mile, delivering a serious dose of drama and glamour via mile-long lashes, winged liner, artfully placed highlighter and more. Stars – they’re not just like us.